Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Beginnings

Well who would've thunk it? Me writing a blog. Quick! Check out the window to see if the world is imploding or some how the word KAHN!!! is echoing through space.  No? Everything's normal? Hmm seems like this isnt quite the groundbreaking event I thought it would be.  Still it seems like a pretty big deal to me. I've never been the writing type.  I have however been inspired by recent events to order my thoughts in a public forum, so here goes...

I have just picked up my life, moved to Idaho from North Carolina and started at Idaho State University as a Music Ed Major.  I didn't know what to expect; I still don't know what to expect.  I have met some amazing people and some not so amazing people, but lets just focus on the amazing people.  The people here "let me be myself" as Peter Griffin would say.  It's wonderful; Never once have I felt awkward or that I have to change how I act because someone wont think I'm cool.  I just feel accepted and appreciated.  It's a wonderful feeling and a wonderful place.  I'm surely looking forward to the next few years and the shenanigans to come.

I've also been lent a guitar.  I'm excited.  I had been playing guitar for years and years but kind of hit a wall as far as skill went.  I sold all my guitars and amps out of frustration and ended up going to Germany and buying a piano with it, so all in all a good trade off, but it feels so wonderful to have a guitar in my hands.  I thought I had forgotten everything but its all coming back so quickly.  Thank you so much Rose, your guitar has brought a long absent joy back into my life.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog entry, run on sentences and all.

Until next time...

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