Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quick Thoughts Before I Hit the Road

This has been an interesting Christmas break but I feel one of my most formative and important ones to boot.  I had a lot of time to think this break. Sometimes I would just hole up in my room and listen to music for hours on end, and after a crazy semester I really needed that.  Somehow though, everything didn't feel right.  Something felt off and  I think I have it figured out. Asheville, NC is not home to me any more. As bad as that might sound to my parents, I can no longer call "home" home.  This left me with a couple of questions; where is home?and why does it feel like home?  

The more and more I thought about where my home was, the more and more Pocatello came to mind, and more specifically, the corner of 13th and Lewis St.  Now I know we all like to give home an address, but this address has nothing to do with the house; it has everything to do with the people inside of the house.  Luis Derek and Teaira make Pocatello home for me. So really, anywhere they are, is home to me. They are supportive, fun, and completely accept me as myself.  It's something refreshing and scary all at the same time.  When a person or group of people accept you fully as yourself it truly forces yourself to figure out who "you" are.  (ok side note, dont judge me on that last sentence. I know it was horrendously constructed.) I can honestly say I don't know who "Ethan" is yet, nor do I expect to learn fully who "Ethan" is until way down the road, BUT I know beyond a doubt, these three people will help me find him.  (another side note; dont judge me for referring to myself in the third person. Admit it, you do it as well)

So finally, about an hour and a half before I leave for the airport, thank you.  Thank you Teaira for accepting me completely as I am, fully and wholly.  Thank you Luis for calling me on my bullshit and really making me look in the mirror, and thank you Derek, for seeing the truth, even before I see it sometimes. You all mean so much to me....

See you in 12ish hours!!! 

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